José Manuel Menéndez, Professor of the ETSIT – UPM, was in charge of inaugurating the course on Tuesday, October 18.
Due to the high number of students enrolled, registration was closed before the scheduled date.
The Polytechnic University of Madrid will issue the students with a specific training certificate, oriented to the professional sector.
UHD Spain, the association that promotes Ultra High Definition in Spain, in its interest to continue supporting and contributing to the training of professionals in this field, began this week the Course of Production and Broadcasting of UHD signal in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and the RTVE Institute.
The course has started successfully exceeding the expected number of enrolled students, with a total of 28 students, which forced it to close registrations before the scheduled date.
José Manuel Menéndez, Professor of the ETSIT – UPM, was in charge of inaugurating the course, taught remotely, via the Teams, which will include theoretical and practical aspects, and with a total of nine main topics, which will address the technical evolution of the TV signal, IP production centers, UHD broadcast, and transport systems, Next Generation Audio in the UHD signal, UHD video capture, post-production and encoding, UHD signal monitoring, live and deferred broadcast architectures, value-added services, and content distribution and archiving.
According to course coordinator José Manuel Menéndez, “the incorporation of the UHD signal in content production and exploitation centers is not a trivial issue. As we have always said, the UHD signal is much more than a higher screen resolution. It involves very important changes in the structure of the signal and how it should be processed and interpreted for proper consumption, including both video and audio aspects. In the course, we try to address these aspects to facilitate the incorporation of the UHD signal into current workflows.”
The course has 14 teachers, all of them active industry professionals such as Carlos Castán, Manager at Canon; Xavier Bonet, CCMA; Xavier Redón, Product Manager at Cellnex; Vicente Pla, COITT; Sonia Valladares, Solutions Engineer at Dolby; Ricardo Viñas, Senior Sound Consultant at Dolby Laboratories; Elena Burdiel, Research Associate at Fraunhofer IIS; Emili Planas, Director of Technology and Operations at Mediapro; Roberto Salvador, from RTVE; Juan José Anaya, Technical Director at SAPEC; Julián Fernández-Campón, Technology Director at Tedial; Yeray Alfageme, Business Development Director at Optiva Media and José Luis Blanco and David Jiménez, both professors at the Polytechnic University of Madrid; and coordinated by UPM Professor José Manuel Menéndez through his involvement in the UHD Spain association.
The Polytechnic University of Madrid will issue a specific training certificate, oriented to the professional sector, for which it is required to implement a course learning evaluation process.
Classes will include aspects of capture, post-processing, monitoring, archiving, and commercial exploitation of content broadcast or available for value-added services. The required bibliography will be the one indicated by the professors in each subject, in addition to the White Book of UHD in Spain, in its second edition, and the Ultra HD Forum Guidelines.
About UHD Spain
UHD Spain is a non-profit association created on 26 January 2021 to promote Ultra High Definition (UHD) in Spain. There are currently 40 associated companies: ADM, Agile Content, Ametic, Ateme, Atresmedia, Axión, Canal Sur, Canon, CCMA, Cellnex, Cires21, COITT, Dolby, Egatel, Fecotel, Fenitel, Forta, Fraunhofer, Gradiant, Gsertel, Henneo, Hispasat, Hurí, Lavinia, Mediapro, Medina Media, Optiva Media, Rohde &. Schwarz, RTVE, Sapec, Secuoya, Synamedia, Tedial, Telecom CLM, Televés, TRedess, UPM, Uteca, Vestel and Video-MOS.
Among the founding partners is the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, in particular with professors and researchers from the E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación who have been working on UHD issues since 2015 through the RTVE Chair at the UPM.
It should be noted that only five countries in Europe have professional associations on Ultra High Definition: Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain.