Below we present the current working groups of UHD Spain.
If you are interested in joining any of them, please let us know using our contact form.
Yeray Alfageme - Optiva MediaDescription:
Impact of the new UHD specifications in every aspect in the capturing, both image and sound, of all kind of productions, live contents, series, movies and news.
To consider the requirements and equipment needed for the correct recording of UHD images and sound.
Xavier Bonet - CCMADescription:
The purpose of the UHD Spain post production group is to address those issues related to the workflow of this technology. It analyzes all the implications of UHD, such as the increase of spatial resolution, HDR, WCG, HFR and NGA.
Some of the main topics covered by the group are:
- The embedding of SDR files in an HDR stream.
- Possibilities and constraints of standardized transfer functions within ITU-BT2100 (HLG & PQ).
- To analyze the management possibilities and compatibility of static and dynamic metadata.
- To experiment in which situations or contents the usage of HFR becomes an advantage.
- To study the characteristics of codecs, in order to detect their advantages and disadvantages when managing UHD signals.
- To evaluate the limitations in the conversions between color spaces.
- Analyze the tools that allow NGA encoding.
These evaluations can be developed both from a theoretical and a practical perspective. And the conclusions drawn are collected and published on the UHD Spain website and in the white paper of the association.
The main goal of the group is to offer this field a resource where professionals can find verified information on working methods, other professionals’ experiences, technical and informative articles, as well as to offer a debating forum with the purpose of sharing knowledge and experiences in the scope of UHD.
One of the targets is to offer to the agents and professionals of the sector a global vision of the legal and standardized situation, both nationally and internationally, of all those aspects implied in the post-production processes. In addition to sharing the publications and conclusions of other organizations such as the UHD Forum or the UHD Alliance.
Elena Burdiel - FraunhoferDescription:
This group analyzes the aspects related to the audio and video signal compression as well as the processing performed for achieving a decrease in the bit rate used to stream/store such information, during the different stages of the chain, from the uptake to the final broadcast, performing an analysis of the effects of these codifications on the final quality perceived by the user.
The Forum coding team is established as a transversal workgroup, which can affect the different groups in aspects related to the coding of audio and video signals.
The main objectives are:
- Collaboration with all other groups to identify the best options for audio and video coding in the early stages (contribution processes) and in the final stages (distribution processes).
- Making subjective and objective quality standards for each of the stages, as well as defining recommendations for bit rates and formats for each of them.
- Contribution to the drafting of the White Paper to be carried out within the framework of UHD Spain.
Milagros Díaz - CELLNEXDescription:
The broadcast group deals with those actions associated with the primary transport and distribution of UHD content and its corresponding monitoring, including satellite, terrestrial, cable, IPTV and streaming, to be carried out in the forum.
The main initially objectives are the following:
- Collaboration in the drafting of a technical document describing the solutions and technologies used for transport, distribution and monitoring.
- Defining the specific details of the broadcast group’s participation in the UHD Spain broadcast test event.
Sonia Valladares - DolbyDescription:
The Receivers Working Group covers activities related to the shared telecommunications infrastructure in buildings and residences (ICT) for signal uptake, reception and distribution, decoding of the audiovisual UHD signal content on a receiver level and the presentation of that audio and video content through user devices.
The main focus of the group are:
- Collaboration in the drafting of a technical document describing the solutions and technologies used for the monitoring, decoding and presentation of UHD audiovisual content.
- Conducting technical tests on common communications infrastructure in buildings and presenting the conclusions of these tests.
- Create a network of reception, monitoring and demonstration points during the UHD Spain broadcast test event.
Elena Burdiel - FraunhoferSonia Valladares - Dolby
The Audio group was set up in 2022, the year in which UHD Spain set out to give Audio a leading role.
It is a transversal group, present in all parts of the chain. To put its experience and knowledge of Audio at the service of the other groups of the Association.
- To support the Association’s Audio events.
- To highlight the importance of Audio within UHD.
- Promote Next Generation Audio.
- To bring together and connect experts in the field.
- Educate on the field through publications, talks, colloquiums, etc.